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The Future Cubed: Exploring Major Changes to the Built Environment

我们最近在一个由三部分组成的系列演讲中探讨了建筑环境如何受到新型冠状病毒肺炎的影响, featuring leading industry voices from across the UK. Six IBI experts were joined by three guest presenters, 每个人的任务是在九分钟内以佩查库查风格的演讲方式探索三个想法.

By IBI 的见解



我们最近在一个由三部分组成的系列演讲中探讨了建筑环境如何受到新型冠状病毒肺炎的影响, featuring leading industry voices from across the UK. 在每次讨论中, 小组成员讨论了疫情重塑的三个关键概念之一:智能城市空间的设计, 公共领域的演变, and the future of transportation and mobility in urban areas. Six IBI experts were joined by three guest presenters, 每个人的任务是在九分钟内以佩查库查风格的演讲方式探索三个想法.

第一次谈话, 聪明, 考虑了技术和人对城市空间整合的影响, and included presentations from UK Sector Lead, 情报, 格雷姆•斯科特; UK Director, Buildings, 彼得•里德利; and ctconsultants的总经理Alex Saint. 

格雷姆的演讲探讨了 聪明如标准, a concept that asserts that ‘smart’ is about more than just technology. 格雷姆认为, despite becoming a more widely accepted concept in the UK, ‘smart’ is not yet firmly embedded in the design and planning stages. 标准的智能 启用规划方法, 设计, 发展, and implementation that consider smart city solutions from the start, 使城市能够利用创新来改善人民及其社区的生活质量.

Peter’s presentation considered the multi-modal future of smart cities. In his view, developing cities around people, not transit, is key. 在未来的世界里, 大多数人没有车的地方, 传统上用于停放车辆的基础设施可以用于其他用途. 在最近的研究中, IBI Group examined this concept on a city-wide scale, reimagining New York City as a car-free environment, 并确定共享和互联交通的繁荣可以节省多达42%的道路, 这相当于6.2亿平方米. ft. 可用空间, the equivalent of 17 new public spaces roughly the size of Central Park, 价值超过1万亿美元.

亚历克斯专注于这个想法, when it comes to building smart and integrated spaces, 这不仅仅是技术的问题. 在他看来,每一个成功的智能解决方案背后都是一群积极参与的人和伙伴关系. To that effect, not all innovation needs to be shiny and new. Designers can be innovative and creative with existing technologies, 我们不应该低估他们的能力. 如果我们在现有的智能空间中部署的技术没有效率或有效地集成, 亚历克斯说, 很可能的情况是,缺乏能够支持数字功能增长和扩展可用用例的基础合作伙伴关系.

Space is the Future (but it’s not rocket science) examined change factors in the use, design and volume of public space. The conversation was animated by Global Director, Placemaking and International, 特雷弗·麦金太尔; Studio Associate and Landscape Architect, Richard Wild; and Hardscape Product’s Managing Director, 马修Haslam.

Trevor’s presentation pointed to several important pandemic-related trends, 危机过后,哪些因素将继续影响公共空间的设计. Trevor指出,公共空间使用的灵活性增加导致了多伦多800多家新的户外咖啡馆的诞生, ON, achieved by repurposing curb lanes in key business and retail districts. He also noted the effective use of sensors across a Waterloo, ON街景项目, which reinforced the benefits of public art, air quality and green stewardship in the public realm. 特雷弗还认为,利用公共领域作为一个创造性的学习空间应该仍然是一个优先事项, 并分享了一个IBI项目的例子,该项目利用虚拟现实(VR)技术在多伦多一所领先的私立学校设计户外学习空间, 与学生及家长合作.

在他的演讲中, 里克指出,为了更好地支持城市居民的福祉,现在对蓝色和绿色基础设施的需求正在加速增长, 以及世界人口老龄化问题, as a major trend in the design of public spaces. Rick focused on ideas of pedestrian-led and active travel-led design, 并描述了如何设计令人难忘的地标和寻路元素来支持改善社区居民的体验, 衰老和不衰老. 他还认为,更多地关注生物多样性和自然资源的保护对公共领域的设计至关重要, 确保我们的城市在提高居民生活质量方面继续发挥关键作用.

为马修, 太空是一个简单的问题, but the methods by which it can be optimized are extremely complex. 他认为, 在封锁的头几个月里, 优化变得异常困难, 虽然从这次经历中得到了简单而有效的教训.  As the density of retail space and the presence of commuters changes over time, 为公共空间提供艺术和参与的机会将变得更加重要. The public realm will need to focus more on green space, 并提供交流的机会, interaction and relaxation within the confines of social-distancing protocols. Mathew还指出,在城市更新项目中使用当地材料将继续在公共领域提供有价值的特征和连续性.

我们最后一次谈话, Should I stay, or should I go now (back to the workplace), 考虑改变交通方式、技术干预以及工作和家庭生活模式. 英国服务领导,情报, 科林·威尔逊,由场所营造实践主管, 奥利弗Hartleben, and Stantec’s Director, Transport and Infrastructure, 斯科特•Witchalls 为了这个讨论.

Colin’s presentation suggested that the decision to travel, as well as one’s chosen mode of transportation, will have long-term impacts as a result of the pandemic. 他认为,这些后果可能包括重新安置和分散有组织的工作空间, as well as the transformation of learning and retail environments. 这, 在科林看来, 是否与公共交通系统在面对不断变化的收入和运营模式时所面临的挑战有关, and he located potential solutions in travel demand management, 以新的获取途径的形式, 路由和拥塞收费.

奥利弗指出,在疫情早期确定的某些流动趋势并不是真正的新现象. Rather, they were extant trends being accelerated by the crisis. These include the ‘new commute’ to one’s home office or workspace, “新高速公路”, characterised by active and single-occupancy modal shifts, 以及“新的购物体验”, which saw exponential growth via online retail and home deliveries. Oliver focused on the ‘stickiness’ of these trends, 他认为,在个性化的好处中,行为的改变将是最持久的, convenience and quality of life are experienced most strongly.

在他的演讲中, 斯科特考虑了几个问题, including a ‘world of sharing’ based on unleashing spare capacity; ‘mobility on demand’, similar to mobile device data packages; and the prominence of flexible, 适应性强的空间. 斯科特指出, 在covid -19前的世界, 城市已经面临着交通拥堵和污染带来的环境困境. 尽管有很多承诺, 他认为,转向全电动汽车不会提高生活质量, 地点质量, 或交通堵塞, if there is a simultaneous rush back to single-occupancy ownership and use. 在短期内, 斯科特认为,公共交通工具上的空气质量是一个核心挑战, 和机会, 对建筑环境的设计者来说.

如果您想讨论上述任何主题和想法,请联系 彼得.ridley@hebsdsdzkj.com.
